An Infinite Set of Ward Identities for Adiabatic Modes in Cosmology
Apr 19, 2013
Citations per year
Abstract: (IOP)
We show that the correlation functions of any single-fieldcosmological model with constant growing-modes are constrained by aninfinite number of novel consistency relations, which relateN+1-point correlation functions with a soft-momentum scalar ortensor mode to a symmetry transformation on N-point correlationfunctions of hard-momentum modes. We derive these consistencyrelations from Ward identities for an infinite tower of non-linearlyrealized global symmetries governing scalar and tensorperturbations. These symmetries can be labeled by an integer n.At each order n, the consistency relations constrain —completely for n = 0,1, and partially for n ≥ 2 — the qnbehavior of the soft limits. The identities at n = 0 recoverMaldacena's original consistency relations for a soft scalar andtensor mode, n = 1 gives the recently-discovered conformalconsistency relations, and the identities for n ≥ 2 are new. Asa check, we verify directly that the n = 2 identity is satisfied byknown correlation functions in slow-roll inflation.Note:
- 47 pages. v3 typos corrected, matches published version
- cosmological perturbation theory
- physics of the early universe
- symmetry: transformation
- perturbation: tensor
- inflation: slow-roll approximation
- correlation function
- cosmological model
- Ward identity
- adiabatic
- transformation: conformal
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