A "Boosted Fireball" Model for Structured Relativistic Jets
Aug 7, 20135 pages
Published in:
- Astrophys.J.Lett. 776 (2013) L9
- Published: Sep 25, 2013
- 1308.1731 [astro-ph.HE]
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Abstract: (IOP)
We present a model for relativistic jets which generates a particular angular distribution of Lorentz factor and energy per solid angle. We consider a fireball with specific internal energy E/M launched with bulk Lorentz factor γB. In its center-of-momentum frame the fireball expands isotropically, converting its internal energy into radially expanding flow with asymptotic Lorentz factor η0 ~ E/M. In the lab frame the flow is beamed, expanding with Lorentz factor Γ = 2η0γBin the direction of its initial bulk motion and with characteristic opening angle θ0 ~ 1/γB. The flow is jet-like with Γθ0 ~ 2η0 such that jets with Γ > 1/θ0 are naturally produced. The choice η0 ~ γB~ 10 yields a jet with Γ ~ 200 on-axis and angular structure characterized by opening angle θ0 ~ 0.1 of relevance for cosmological gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), while γB1 may be relevant for low-luminosity GRBs. The model produces a family of outflows, of relevance for different relativistic phenomena with structures completely determined by η0 and γB. We calculate the energy per unit solid angle for the model and use it to compute light curves for comparison with the widely used top-hat model. The jet break in the boosted fireball light curve is greatly subdued when compared to the top-hat model because the edge of the jet is smoother than for a top-hat. This may explain missing jet breaks in afterglow light curves.Note:
- ApJ Accepted
- shock waves
- relativistic processes
- hydrodynamics
- gamma-ray burst: general