Thermal amplification of field-correlation harvesting
Sep 5, 2013- Phys.Rev.A 88 (2013) 6, 062336
- Published: Dec 27, 2013
- 1309.1425 [quant-ph]
Citations per year
We study the harvesting of quantum and classical correlations from a hot scalar field in a periodic cavity by a pair of spatially separated oscillator-detectors. Specifically, we utilize nonperturbative and exact (non-numerical) techniques to solve for the evolution of the detectors-field system and then we examine how the entanglement, Gaussian quantum discord, and mutual information obtained by the detectors change with the temperature of the field. While (as expected) the harvested entanglement rapidly decays to zero as temperature is increased, we find remarkably that both the mutual information
- V2: Modified to match published version; minor text changes and updated references. 17 pages, 9 figures, RevTex 4.1
- 03.70.+k
- 42.50.Lc
- 03.67.-a
- correlation: classical
- field theory: scalar
- entanglement
- temperature
- thermal
- nonperturbative
- cavity