Random time series in Astronomy
Sep 25, 201328 pages
Published in:
- Phil.Trans.Roy.Soc.Lond.A 371 (2013) 0549
- 1309.6435 [astro-ph.IM]
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Abstract: (arXiv)
Progress in astronomy comes from interpreting the signals encoded in the light received from distant objects: the distribution of light over the sky (images), over photon wavelength (spectrum), over polarization angle, and over time (usually called light curves by astronomers). In the time domain we see transient events such as supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, and other powerful explosions; we see periodic phenomena such as the orbits of planets around nearby stars, radio pulsars, and pulsations of stars in nearby galaxies; and persistent aperiodic variations (`noise') from powerful systems like accreting black holes. I review just a few of the recent and future challenges in the burgeoning area of Time Domain Astrophysics, with particular attention to persistently variable sources, the recovery of reliable noise power spectra from sparsely sampled time series, higher-order properties of accreting black holes, and time delays and correlations in multivariate time series.Note:
- 28 pages, 10 figures. Prepared for the meeting "Signal processing and inference for the physical sciences"
- [660311]