Holonomies of gauge fields in twistor space 7: an electroweak model

Nov 12, 2013
23 pages

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0 Citations
Abstract: (arXiv)
We consider massive deformation of U(2)U(2) gauge bosons in a recently developed holonomy formalism and propose a novel electroweak model. The massive gauge bosons arise from massive deformation of spinor momenta, which implies that the mass generation is implemented by Lorentz symmetry breaking rather than the spontaneous gauge symmetry breaking. Following the notation of the holonomy formalism, we interpret the weak hypercharge of a left-handed fermion doublet as the reciprocal of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov (KZ) parameter κ=k+h\kappa = k + h^{\vee} where kk is the level number, fixed at k=1k = 1, and hh^\vee is the dual Coxeter number for SU(2)LSU(2)_L. This leads to natural distinction between quarks and leptons in terms of a weight for the representation of SU(2)LSU(2)_L. Physical operators of the electroweak vector bosons and fermions are defined by use of Grassmann variables. Possible electroweak interactions are then determined by the evaluation of Grassmann integrals. We obtain a generating functional for the electroweak interaction vertices and illustrate how to compute decay rates of the ZZ-boson into a pair of fermions.
  • 23 pages; v2. references updated
  • electroweak interaction: model
  • gauge boson: massive
  • fermion: left-handed
  • fermion: doublet
  • symmetry breaking: gauge
  • holonomy
  • deformation
  • Grassmann
  • gauge field theory
  • mass generation
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