ILD SiW ECAL and sDHCAL dimension-performance optimisation
Apr 11, 2014Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
The ILD, International Large Detector, is one of the detector concepts for a future linear collider. Its performance is investigated using Monte-Carlo full simulation and PandoraPFA. Among several options, a combination of the silicon-tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter (SiW ECAL) and the semi-digital hadronic calorimeter (sDHCAL) presenting the highest granularity calorimeters, is here investigated. It is shown that by reducing the radius and length of the entire detector by a factor of with respect to the baseline dimensions, the jet energy resolution is degraded by 8 to 19% in the range of 45 and 250 GeV. The price of ILD which scales roughly quadratically with the ILD dimensions may be reduced by a factor of nearly two. A similar study made with the SiW ECAL and the analog hadronic calorimeter (AHCAL) shows that for an inner radius of ECAL of about~1.4 m, the performance is comparable between sDHCAL and AHCAL.Note:
- Talk presented at the International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS13), Tokyo, Japan, 11-15 November 2013
- calorimeter: hadronic
- calorimeter: electromagnetic
- jet: energy resolution
- detector: design
- ILD detector
- performance
- numerical calculations: Monte Carlo
- silicon: tungsten
- costs
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