The Most Massive Active Black-Holes at zz \sim 1.5-3.5 Have High Spins and Radiative Efficiencies

May 22, 2014
5 pages
Published in:
  • Astrophys.J.Lett. 789 (2014) L9
  • Published: 2014

Citations per year

Abstract: (IOP)
The radiative efficiencies (η) of 72 luminous unobscured active galactic nuclei at z ~ 1.5-3.5, powered by some of the most massive black holes (BHs), are constrained. The analysis is based on accretion disk (AD) models, which link the continuum luminosity at rest-frame optical wavelengths and the BH mass (M (BH)) to the accretion rate through the AD, M˙AD\dot{M}_{\rm AD}. The data are gathered from several literature samples with detailed measurements of the Hβ emission line complex, observed at near-infrared bands. When coupled with standard estimates of bolometric luminosities (L (bol)), the analysis suggests high radiative efficiencies, with most of the sources showing η > 0.2, that is, higher than the commonly assumed value of 0.1, and the expected value for non-spinning BHs (η = 0.057). Even under more conservative assumptions regarding L (bol) (i.e., L (bol) = 3 × L (5100)), most of the extremely massive BHs in the sample (i.e., M (BH) gsim 3 × 10(9) M (☉)) show radiative efficiencies which correspond to very high BH spins (a (*)), with typical values well above a (*) sime 0.7. These results stand in contrast to the predictions of a 'spin-down' scenario, in which a series of randomly oriented accretion episodes leads to a (*) ~ 0. Instead, the analysis presented here strongly supports a 'spin-up' scenario, which is driven by either prolonged accretion or a series of anisotropically oriented accretion episodes. Considering the fact that these extreme BHs require long-duration or continuous accretion to account for their high masses, it is argued that the most probable scenario for the super-massive black holes under study is that of an almost continuous sequence of randomly yet not isotropically oriented accretion episodes.
  • Accepted for publication in ApJL. 6 pages, 3 figures. Made minor corrections to reflect the published journal version
  • black hole physics
  • galaxies: active
  • galaxies: nuclei
  • quasars: general
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