Novel Boron-10-based detectors for Neutron Scattering Science
Jan 21, 20159 pages
Published in:
- Eur.Phys.J.Plus 130 (2015) 2, 27
- Published: Feb 13, 2015
- 1501.05201 [physics.ins-det]
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Abstract: (Springer)
Nowadays neutron scattering science is increasing its instrumental power. Most of the neutron sources in the world are pushing the development of their technologies to be more performing. The neutron scattering development is also pushed by the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Sweden, a neutron facility which has just started construction. Concerning small-area detectors (∼ 1 m), theHe technology, which is today cutting edge, is reaching fundamental limits in its development. Counting rate capability, spatial resolution and cost effectiveness, are only a few examples of the features that must be improved to fulfill the new requirements. On the other hand,He technology could still satisfy the detector requirements for large-area applications (∼50 m), however, because of the presentHe shortage that the world is experiencing, this is not practical anymore. The recent detector advances (the Multi-Grid and the Multi-Blade prototypes) developed in the framework of the collaboration between the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) and ESS are presented in this paper. In particular two novelB-based detectors are described, one for large-area applications (the Multi-Grid prototype) and one for application in neutron reflectometry (small-area applications, the Multi-Blade prototype).References(35)
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