Light top squarks in -lepton number model with a right handed neutrino and the LHC
Aug 8, 2015
26 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 93 (2016) 7, 075005
- Published: Apr 5, 2016
- 1508.01875 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- HIP-2015-23-TH,
- HRI-P-15-07-001
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Abstract: (APS)
We investigate the phenomenology of top squarks at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in a supersymmetric model where lepton number is identified with an approximate U(1)R symmetry in such a way that one of the left-chiral sneutrinos can acquire a large vacuum expectation value and can play the role of the down-type Higgs. This R symmetry allows a subset of trilinear R-parity violating interactions, which determine the collider phenomenology of this model in a significant way. The gauginos are Dirac particles and gluinos are relatively heavy in this class of models. The model contains a right handed neutrino superfield, which gives a tree level mass to one of the active neutrinos. An order one neutrino Yukawa coupling also helps enhance the Higgs boson mass at the tree level and results in a very light bino-like neutralino (χ˜20) with mass around a few hundred MeV, which is a carrier of missing (transverse) energy (ET). The model can accommodate two rather light top squarks, compatible with the observed mass of the Higgs boson. The lighter top squark (t˜1) can decay into tχ˜20, and thus the signal would be similar to the signal of top quark pair production at the LHC. In addition, fully visible decays such as t˜2→be+ can give rise to interesting final states. Such signals at the LHC combined with other features like a heavy gluino could provide strong evidence for this kind of a model. Our analysis shows that mt˜1≲575(750) GeV and mt˜2≲1.2(1.4) TeV can be probed with 5σ statistical significance at the 13 TeV LHC with 300(3000) fb-1 of integrated luminosity. Finally, we observe that in the presence of superlight carriers of ET, the so-called “stealth” top squark scenario may naturally appear in our model.Note:
- Two new figures added, matches with the published version
- supersymmetry
- stop: pair production
- stop --> bottom electron
- symmetry: U(1)
- R parity: violation
- sneutrino: right-handed
- Higgs particle: mass
- gluino: heavy
- coupling: Yukawa
- CERN LHC Coll: upgrade
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