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Abstract: (arXiv)
We present here three analyses of semileptonic DD-meson decays based on the 2.92 fb1^{-1} of data collected by the BESIII experiment in 2010 and 2011 at the ψ\psi(3770) peak. For the decay D+Kπ+e+νeD^{+}\to K^{-}\pi^{+}e^{+}\nu_{e}, its branching fraction is measured over the whole mKπm_{K\pi} region and in the K(892)0\overline{K}^{*}(892)^{0} window, respectively. A partial wave analysis (PWA) is performed, indicating an \emph{S}-wave contribution of about 6\%. The \emph{S}-wave phase and the form factors are measured by the PWA and in a model-independent way. For the decay D+ωe+νeD^{+}\to \omega e^{+}\nu_{e}, an improved measurement of the branching fraction is performed and the form factors are determined for the first time. D+ϕe+νeD^{+}\to \phi e^{+}\nu_{e} is searched and an improved upper limit at 90\% confidence level is set. For the decay D+KLe+νeD^{+}\to K_{L} e^{+}\nu_{e}, its branching fraction is measured for the first time and the CPCP asymmetry is presented. The product of the hadronic form factor and the CKM matrix element, f+K(0)Vcsf_{+}^{K}(0)|V_{cs}|, is also determined in this decay.
  • To be published in the proceedings of CHARM-2015, Detroit, MI, 18-22 May 2015
  • talk: Detroit 2015/05/18
  • electron positron: annihilation
  • electron positron: colliding beams
  • D+: semileptonic decay
  • D+: branching ratio: measured
  • form factor: hadronic
  • mass spectrum: (K pi)
  • BES
  • Beijing Stor
  • partial wave analysis