Hot Plasma Modes Across Reissner-Nordstrom de Sitter Horizon in a Veselago Medium

Oct 13, 2014
9 pages
Published in:
  • Can.J.Phys. 93 (2015) 5, 565-573
  • Published: Oct 13, 2014

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0 Citations
Abstract: (NRC Research Press)
We investigate wave attributes of hot plasma around a Reissner–Nördstrom–de Sitter (RN-dS) metric in a Veselago medium. A perturbation scheme is implemented on general relativistic magnetohydrodynamical (GRMHD) equations that are further used for Fourier analysis. The linearly perturbed Fourier-analyzed GRMHD equations depict the dispersion of hot plasma waves. It is found that inclusion of charge in de Sitter space greatly affects the wave dispersion. A comparison of wave properties is presented, and results reassert the presence of the Veselago medium.
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