Boosted-Bottom Jet Tagging And BSM Searches

May 13, 2016

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
I present a new scheme for tagging boosted heavy flavor jets called "μx\mu_x tagging" and its application to TeV-scale physics beyond the Standard Model. Using muons from B hadron decay to define a particular combination "x" of angular information, and jet substructure variables, we identify a clean (ϵfake/ϵb1/100\epsilon_{\mathrm{fake}}/\epsilon_b\sim 1/100) good efficiency (ϵb=14%\epsilon_b = 14\%) tag. I demonstrate the usefulness of this new scheme by showing the reach for discovery of leptophobic ZbbˉZ^\prime\to b\bar b and tH±ttbtH^\pm\to t t b.
  • 4 pgs, 3 figs, Submission to Proceedings of the 51st Rencontres de Moriond
  • talk: La Thuile 2016/03/19
  • p p: scattering
  • p p: colliding beams
  • Higgs particle: charged particle
  • Higgs particle: hadronic decay
  • heavy quark: jet
  • hadron: decay
  • bottom: boosted particle
  • bottom: particle identification
  • scale: TeV