A new proposal for diphoton resonance from E6E_6 motivated extra U(1)U(1)

Jul 4, 2016
19 pages
Report number:
  • HRI-RECAPP-2016-010,
  • OSU-HEP-16-05

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We propose that the diphoton resonance signal indicated by the recent LHC data might also arise from the pair productions of vector-like heavy down-type quarks with mass around 750750 GeV and above. The vector-like quark decays into an ordinary light quark and a Standard Model singlet scalar. The subsequent decay of scalar singlet produces the diphoton excess. Both the vector-like quark and singlet scalars appear naturally in the E6E_6, and their masses can be in the TeV scale with a suitable choice of symmetry breaking pattern. The prediction of such a proposal would be to see an accompanying dijet signal at the same mass with similar cross section in the 2γ+2j2\gamma + 2j final state and two dijet resonances at the same mass for a 4j4j final state with a cross section, about 100 times larger. Both predictions can be tested easily as the luminosity accumulates in the upcoming runs of the LHC.
  • 19 pages, 12 eps figures
  • new physics
  • grand unified theory: E(6)
  • heavy quark: vector particle
  • CERN LHC Coll
  • p p: scattering
  • resonance: production
  • resonance: decay
  • final state: two-photon
  • photon: pair production
  • dijet: production