Oscillating Chiral Tensor Spectrum from Axionic Inflation

Jul 6, 2016
6 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 94 (2016) 4, 044062
  • Published: Aug 31, 2016
Report number:
  • KUNS2632,
  • KOBE-COSMO-16-06

Citations per year

Abstract: (APS)
We study axionic inflation with a modulated potential and examine if the primordial tensor power spectrum exhibits oscillatory feature, which is testable with future space-based gravitational-wave experiments such as DECIGO and BBO. In the case of single-field axion monodromy inflation, it turns out that it is difficult to detect an oscillation in the spectrum due to the suppression of the sub-Planckian decay constant of the axion. On the other hand, in the case of aligned chromo-natural inflation where the axion is coupled to a SU(2) gauge field, it turns out that a sizable oscillation in the tensor spectrum can occur due to the enhancement of chiral gravitational waves sourced by the gauge field. We expect that this feature will be a new probe for axion phenomenologies in the early Universe through chiral gravitational waves.
  • spectrum: tensor
  • axion: decay constant
  • oscillation: chiral
  • axion: coupling
  • power spectrum: tensor
  • gauge field theory: SU(2)
  • inflation
  • gravitational radiation
  • suppression
  • axion