Unstable nuclei in dissociation of light stable and radioactive nuclei in nuclear track emulsion
Jul 27, 201611 pages
Part of Proceedings, 14th International Seminar on Electromagnetic Interactions of Nuclei (EMIN-2015) : Moscow, Russia, October 5-8, 2015, 147-157
Published in:
- Phys.Part.Nucl. 48 (2017) 1, 147-157
Contribution to:
- , 147-157
- EMIN-2015
- Published: Feb 17, 2017
- 1607.08020 [nucl-ex]
Citations per year
Abstract: (Springer)
A role of the unstable nucleiBe,Be andB in the dissociation of relativistic nucleiBe,B andC is under study on the basis of nuclear track emulsion exposed to secondary beams of the JINR Nuclotron. Contribution of the configurationBe + n to theBe nucleus structure is 8 ± 1% which is near the value for the configurationLi + p. Distributions over the opening angle of α-particle pairs indicate to a simultaneous presence of virtualBe. andBe states in the ground states of theBe andC nuclei. The coreB is manifested in theC nucleus with a probability of 30 ± 4%. Selection of theC “white” stars accompanied byBe. (B) leads to appearance in the excitation energy distribution of 2α2p “quartets” of the distinct peak with a maximum at 4.1 ± 0.3 MeV.Be. decays are presented in 24 ± 7% of 2He + 2H events of theC coherent dissociation and 27 ± 11% of the 3He ones. The channelB + H amounts 14 ± 3%. TheB. nucleus is manifested in the coherent dissociationB → 2He + H with a probability of 25 ± 5% including 13 ± 3% ofB decays. A probability ratio of the mirror channelsB + n andBe + p is estimated to be 10 ± 1.Note:
- To be published in Physics of Particles in Nuclei (in press)
- 21.60.Gx
- 25.75.-q
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