On-shell methods for off-shell quantities in N=4N=4 Super Yang-Mills: From scattering amplitudes to form factors and the dilatation operator

Aug 4, 2016
207 pages
Thesis: PhD
  • Queen Mary, U. of London
  • Published: 2016

Citations per year

Abstract: (Queen Mary, U. of London (main))
Planar maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory (N = 4 SYM) is a special quantumfi eld theory. A few of its remarkable features are conformal symmetry at the quantumlevel, evidence of integrability and, moreover, it is a prime example of the AdS/CFT duality.Triggered by Witten's twistor string theory [1], the past 15 years have witnessedenormous progress in reformulating this theory to make as many of these special featuresmanifest, from the choice of convenient variables to recursion relations that allowed newmathematical structures to appear, like the Grassmannian [2]. These methods are collectivelyreferred to as on-shell methods. The ultimate hope is that, by understandingN = 4 SYM in depth, one can learn about other, more realistic quantum fi eld theories.The overarching theme of this thesis is the investigation of how on-shell methods can aidthe computation of quantities other than scattering amplitudes. In this spirit we studyform factors and correlation functions, said to be partially and completely off-shell quantities,respectively. More explicitly, we compute form factors of half-BPS operators upto two loops, and study the dilatation operator in the SO(6) and SU(2j3) sectors usingtechniques originally designed for amplitudes. A second part of the work is dedicatedto the study of scattering amplitudes beyond the planar limit, an area of research whichis still in its infancy, and not much is known about which special features of the planartheory survive in the non-planar regime. In this context, we generalise some aspects of theon-shell diagram formulation of Arkani-Hamed et al. [3] to take into account non-planarcorrections.
  • 206 pages, PhD thesis, references accounted for until 10/04/16 (submission date)
  • Physics and Astronomy
  • Yang-Mills Theory
  • quantum field theories
  • 530.14
  • supersymmetry: 4
  • operator: dilation
  • scattering amplitude
  • form factor
  • correlation function
  • on-shell