Dissecting new physics models through kinematic edges

Sep 21, 2016
11 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 95 (2017) 3, 035039
  • Published: Feb 27, 2017
Report number:
  • TIFR-TH-16-31

Citations per year

Abstract: (APS)
Kinematic edges in the invariant mass distributions of different final state particles are typically a signal of new physics. In this work we propose a scenario wherein these edges could be utilized in discriminating between different classes of models. To this effect, we consider the resonant production of a heavy Higgs like resonance (H1) as a case study. Such states are a characteristic feature of many new physics scenarios beyond the standard model (SM). In the event of a discovery, it is essential to identify the true nature of the underlying theory. In this work we propose a channel, H1→t2t, where t2 is a vectorlike gauge singlet top-partner that decays into Wb, Zt, ht. Invariant mass distributions constructed out of these final states are characterized by the presence of kinematic edges, which are unique to the topology under consideration. Further, since all the final state particles are SM states, the position in the edges of these invariant mass distributions can be used to exclusively determine the masses of the resonances. Observation of these features are meant to serve as a trigger, thereby mandating a more detailed analysis in a particular direction of parameter space. The absence of these edge like features, in the specific invariant mass distributions considered here, in minimal versions of supersymmetric models (MSSM) also serves as a harbinger of such non-MSSM-like scenarios.
  • 2 figures added, title modified, a benchmark point added, references added Matches with the published version
  • new physics
  • resonance: heavy
  • resonance: decay
  • Higgs particle: heavy
  • Higgs particle: decay
  • top': vector particle
  • top': decay
  • top': mass
  • Higgs particle
  • top' --> W bottom