On a realization of -expansion in QCD
Oct 5, 2016Citations per year
Abstract: (Springer)
We suggest a simple algebraic approach to fix the elements of the {β}-expansion for renormalization group invariant quantities, which uses additional degrees of freedom. The approach is discussed in detail for NLO calculations in QCD with the MSSM gluino — an additional degree of freedom. We derive the formulae of the {β}-expansion for the nonsinglet Adler D-function and Bjorken polarized sum rules in the actual NLO within this quantum field theory scheme with the MSSM gluino and the scheme with the second additional degree of freedom. We discuss the properties of the {β}-expansion for higher orders considering the NLO as an example.Note:
- 14 pages, Introduction, Sec.2, Conclusion are significantly improved
- Renormalization Group
- Renormalization Regularization and Renormalons
- renormalization group: invariance
- quantum chromodynamics: correction
- correction: higher-order
- higher-order: 2
- quantum chromodynamics: sum rule
- sum rule: Bjorken
- quantum chromodynamics: supersymmetry
- minimal supersymmetric standard model
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