On the post-Keplerian corrections to the orbital periods of a two-body system and their application to the Galactic Center
Mar 15, 20177 pages
Published in:
- Astrophys.J. 839 (2017) 1, 3
- Published: Apr 6, 2017
- 1703.04947 [astro-ph.GA]
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Abstract: (IOP)
We perform detailed numerical analyses of the orbital motion of a test particle around a spinning primary, with the aim of investigating the possibility of using the post-Keplerian (pK) corrections to the orbiter’s periods (draconitic, anomalistic, and sidereal) as a further opportunity to perform new tests of post-Newtonian gravity. As a specific scenario, the S-stars orbiting the massive black hole (MBH) supposedly lurking in Sgr A* at the center of the Galaxy are adopted. We first study the effects of the pK Schwarzchild, Lense–Thirring, and quadrupole moment accelerations experienced by a target star for various possible initial orbital configurations. It turns out that the results of the numerical simulations are consistent with the analytical ones in the small eccentricity approximation for which almost all the latter ones were derived. For highly elliptical orbits, the sizes of the three pK corrections considered turn out to increase remarkably. The periods of the observed S2 and S0-102 stars as functions of the MBH’s spin axis orientation are considered as well. The pK accelerations lead to corrections of the orbital periods of the order of 1–100 days (Schwarzschild), 0.1–10 hr (Lense–Thirring), and 1–10(3) s (quadrupole) for a target star with a = 300–800 au and e ≈ 0.8, which could be measurable with future facilities.Note:
- Accepted for publication in ApJ
- Galaxy: center
- gravitation
- relativistic processes
- stars: kinematics and dynamics
- time
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