Majorana fermions in three dimensions and realization in critical Weyl semimetals

Sep 20, 2017
8 pages

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Abstract: (arXiv)
We present two band models for free fermion with charge conjugation symmetry in three dimensions. Without time reversal symmetry (TRS), the weak pairing gapless AA-phase is a Majorana fermion px+ipyp_x+ip_y wave FFLO state while the strong pairing gapped BB-phase belongs to topologically trivial Class DD. With TRS, there is a Majorana fermion BB-phase belonging to Class DIIIDIII with a non-zero Hopf invariant. The TRS AA-phase is also a Majorana fermion FFLO state with TRS. The surface states of the TRS BB-phase are either a valley-momentum locked Majorana-Dirac cone or a linear-quadratic mixed cone for a specific surface. The surface states of the AA-phase on one surface are topologically nontrivial, either having Z\mathbb{Z} or Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 invariant depending on whether the system is TRS or not. The edge states of that surface are gapless Majorana modes. The Majorana fermion gapless FFLO states can be realized in critical Weyl semimetals (WSM) in which dual single Weyl nodes form dipoles and are nearly annihilated. The gapped BB-phase emerges when Weyl node dipoles are about to be created. The WSM TaAs-family, a type-II WSM series Mox_xW1x_{1-x}Te2_2-family, possible WSM La/LuBi1x_{1-x} Sbx_xTe3_3 and topological crystalline insulators Sn1x_{1-x}Pbx_x(Te,Se) are candidates to be manipulated into these critical states based on Majorana fermion models.
  • 5+2 pages, 3 figues
  • fermion: Majorana
  • dimension: 3
  • fermion: model
  • charge conjugation: symmetry
  • time reversal: symmetry
  • surface
  • Weyl
  • dipole
  • topological
  • duality