The Evolution of Kicked Stellar-Mass Black Holes in Star Cluster Environments
Nov 24, 201712 pages
Published in:
- Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 474 (2018) 3, 3835-3846
- Published: Mar 1, 2018
- 1711.09100 [astro-ph.GA]
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Abstract: (Oxford University Press)
We consider how dynamical friction acts on black holes that receive a velocity kick while located at the centre of a gravitational potential, analogous to a star cluster, due to either a natal kick or the anisotropic emission of gravitational waves during a black hole-black hole merger. Our investigation specifically focuses on how well various Chandrasekhar-based dynamical friction models can predict the orbital decay of kicked black holes with m_bh ≲ 100 M_⊙ due to an inhomogeneous background stellar field. In general, the orbital evolution of a kicked black hole follows that of a damped oscillator where two-body encounters and dynamical friction serve as sources of damping. However, we find models for approximating the effects of dynamical friction do not accurately predict the amount of energy lost by the black hole if the initial kick velocity v_k is greater than the stellar velocity dispersion σ. For all kick velocities, we also find that two-body encounters with nearby stars can cause the energy evolution of a kicked BH to stray significantly from standard dynamical friction theory as encounters can sometimes lead to an energy gain. For larger kick velocities, we find the orbital decay of a black hole departs from classical theory completely as the black hole’s orbital amplitude decays linearly with time as opposed to exponentially. Therefore, we have developed a linear decay formalism, which scales linearly with black hole mass and in order to account for the variations in the local gravitational potential.Note:
- 13 pages, 9 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS
- black hole physics
- methods: analytical
- globular clusters: general
- galaxies: nuclei
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