A Mathematical Analysis of the Axial Anomaly

Nov 30, 2017
63 pages
Published in:
  • Lett.Math.Phys. 109 (2019) 5, 1055-1117
  • Published: Nov 30, 2018

Citations per year

Abstract: (Springer)
As is well known to physicists, the axial anomaly of the massless free fermion in Euclidean signature is given by the index of the corresponding Dirac operator. We use the Batalin–Vilkovisky (BV) formalism and the methods of equivariant quantization of Costello and Gwilliam to produce a new, mathematical derivation of this result. Using these methods, we formalize two conventional interpretations of the axial anomaly, the first as a violation of current conservation at the quantum level and the second as the obstruction to the existence of a well-defined fermionic partition function. Moreover, in the formalism of Costello and Gwilliam, anomalies are measured by cohomology classes in a certain obstruction–deformation complex. Our main result shows that—in the case of the axial symmetry—the relevant complex is quasi-isomorphic to the complex of de Rham forms of the space–time manifold and that the anomaly corresponds to a top-degree cohomology class which is trivial if and only if the index of the corresponding Dirac operator is zero.
  • Version 3 differs from version 2 only in the metadata. The title and abstract in the metadata have been corrected to match those appearing in the document itself
  • Perturbative anomalies
  • Batlin-Vilkovisky formalism
  • Cohomological methods in quantum field theory
  • Massless free fermion
  • anomaly: axial
  • operator: Dirac
  • partition function
  • quantization
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