Circularly symmetric solutions of Minimal Massive Gravity at its merger point
Jan 28, 201919 pages
Published in:
- Class.Quant.Grav. 36 (2019) 14, 145005
- Published: Jun 25, 2019
- 1901.09538 [gr-qc]
- 10.1088/1361-6382/ab28c4 (publication)
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Abstract: (IOP)
I find all the static circularly symmetric solutions of minimal massive 3D gravity at its merger point, construct stationary versions of these and discuss some of their geometric and physical properties. It turns out that apart from a static hairy black hole, there is also a static gravitational soliton, that has been overlooked in the literature.Note:
- latex, 23 pages, 1 table, no figures; ver 2: corrected a marginal mistake that does not affect the main results
- black hole: hair
- gravitation
- soliton
- (i) (u/v){}^{\prime} = 0 : One can, without loss of generality, set u=v in this case. Then the algebraic equation for u^{\prime\prime} simplifies to u^{\prime\prime} = -2 \Lambda, which is readily solved as u(r) = v(r) = - \Lambda r^2 + u_1 r + u_2 for integration constants u1 and u2. After a renaming of these, one arrives at \begin{align} \newcommand{\e}{{\rm e}} \displaystyle {\rm d}s_2^2 = \Lambda (r-r_{-}) (r-r_{+}) {\rm d}t^2 - \frac{{\rm d}r^2}{\Lambda (r-r_{-}) (r-r_{+})} + r^2 {\rm d}\theta^2. \label{met2} \nonumber \end{align} \tag{ 18 }
- (ii) 2 \Lambda r u + v u^{\prime} = 0 : Solving this constraint for u^{\prime} and demanding that it be compatible with the algebraic equation for u^{\prime\prime}, one arrives at \newcommand{\bi}{\boldsymbol} (v - \Lambda r^2) \big(2 \Lambda r + v^{\prime} \big) = 0. Considering the analysis of the 2 \Lambda r + v^{\prime} = 0 case above, one finds that demanding the second factor to vanish leads one to the metric (, 17: #cqgab28c4eqn020) with the integration constant r1 = 0, which can also be identified with the r_{-} + r_{+} = 0 form of (, 18: #cqgab28c4eqn021). Thus, there is no new solution per se. Finally, setting v(r) = \Lambda r^2, one finds u(r) = u_0/r^2, for an integration constant u0. Taking u0 = 1, one arrives at the metric \begin{align} \newcommand{\e}{{\rm e}} \displaystyle {\rm d}s_\mathrm{L}^2 = - \frac{{\rm d}t^2}{r^2} + \frac{{\rm d}r^2}{\Lambda r^2} + r^2 {\rm d}\theta^2, \label{lif} \nonumber \end{align} \tag{ 19 } which is easily identified as the static Lifshitz spacetime [, 13: #cqgab28c4bib013] with the dynamical exponent z = -1 [, 11: #cqgab28c4bib011] when \Lambda > 0. However, a close scrutiny immediately reveals that C_{t\theta} = 2 \Lambda^{3/2} \neq 0, so that the field equation for MMG (, 5: #cqgab28c4eqn005) is not satisfied by (, 19: #cqgab28c4eqn022)
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