Studying the Reionization Epoch with QSO Absorption Lines

Mar 12, 2019

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
Absorption signatures in the spectra of QSOs are one of our most powerful tools for studying galactic and intergalactic environments at high redshifts. With the discovery of QSOs out to z > 7, QSO absorption lines are now tracing the end stages of reionization on multiple fronts using the hydrogen Lyman-α\alpha forest and heavy element absorbers. Next-generation QSO absorption line studies with large optical/IR telescopes will reveal in detail how the first galaxies emerged form the cosmic web, transformed their circum- and inter-galactic environments, and completed the last major phase transition of the Universe. These efforts will complement other upcoming studies of reionization, such as those with JWST, ALMA, and redshifted 21cm experiments.
  • Science whitepaper submitted to the Astro2020 Decadal Survey