Evolution of the mass-richness relation for the redMaPPer catalog

Apr 16, 2019
4 pages

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Abstract: (arXiv)
The accurate determination of the galaxy cluster mass-observable relations is one of the major challenge of modern astrophysics and cosmology. We present a new statistical methodology to constrain the evolution of the mass-observable relations. Instead of measuring individual mass of galaxy clusters, we only consider large scale homogeneity of the Universe. In this case, we expect the present galaxy cluster mass function to be the same everywhere in the Universe. Using relative abundance matching, we contraint the relation between the richness, λ(z)\lambda(z), and the expected present mass, M(t0)M(t_0), of galaxy clusters. We apply this approach to the redMaPPer galaxy cluster catalogue in 10 redshift bins from z=0.1z=0.1 to 0.60.6. We found that the λ(z)\lambda(z)-M(t0)M(t_0) relation is not evolving from z=0.1z=0.1 to 0.40.4, whereas it starts to significantly evolve at higher redshift. This results implies that the redMaPPer richness appears to be a better proxy for the expected present-day galaxy cluster mass than for the mass at the observational redshift. Assuming cosmology and galaxy cluster mass accretion history, it is possible to convert M(t0)M(t_0) to the mass at the galaxy cluster redshift M(tz)M(t_z). We found a significant evolution of the λ(z)\lambda(z)-M(tz)M(t_z) over all the covered redshift range. Consequently, we provide a new redshift-dependent richness-mass relation for the redMaPPer galaxy cluster catalogue. This results demonstrates the efficiency of this new methodology to probe the evolution of scaling relations compared to individual galaxy cluster mass estimation.