Collinear true ternary fission as the consequence of the collective nuclear model
Apr 23, 2019Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
The concept of collinear spontaneous true ternary fission of 252Cf is subject to critical analysis. The conclusion is that the collinear flight of the fragments turns out to be a natural and most probable mode. The collinearity arises in the model on the prescission stage as a result of the account of the principles of the collective Bohr's model. It is partly destroyed at the post-scission stage of spreading of the fragments due to their Coulomb interaction, with the allowance for the spin effects arising at the moment of scission. The final angular distribution of the fragments is calculated by means of the trajectory simulations. The calculated relative angle of the heavy and light fragments is kept 180 degrees with an uncertainty within 0.4 degree, which justifies search for a collinear tri-partition at the modern stage of experiment.Note:
- 25 pages, 2 figures
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