σ8{\sigma }_{8} Tension. Is Gravity Getting Weaker at Low z? Observational Evidence and Theoretical Implications

Jul 6, 2019
31 pages
  • Published: 2021

Citations per year

Abstract: (Springer)
Dynamical observational probes of the growth of density perturbations indicate that gravity may be getting weaker at low redshifts z. This evidence is at about 23σ2-3\sigma level and comes mainly from weak lensing data that measure the parameter S8=σ8Ω0m/0.3S_8=\sigma _8 \sqrt{\Omega _{0m}/0.3} and redshift space distortion data that measure the growth rate times the amplitude of the linear power spectrum parameter fσ8(z){ f}\sigma _8(z). The measured fσ{ f}\sigma appears to be lower than the prediction of General Relativity (GR) in the context of the standard Λ\Lambda CDM model as defined by the Planck best fit parameter values. This is the well known fσ{ f}\sigma tension of Λ\Lambda CDM, which constitutes one of the two main large scale challenges of the model along with the H0H_0 tension. We review the observational evidence that leads to the fσ{ f}\sigma tension and discuss some theoretical implications. If this tension is not a systematic effect it may be an early hint of modified gravity with an evolving effective Newton’s constant GeffG_{eff} and gravitational slip parameter η\eta . We discuss such best fit parametrizations of Geff(z)G_{\text {eff}}(z) and point out that they can not be reproduced by simple scalar-tensor and f(R) modified gravity theories because these theories generically predict stronger gravity than General Relativity (GR) at low z in the context of a Λ\Lambda CDM background H(z). Finally, we show weak evidence for an evolving reduced absolute magnitude of the SnIa of the Pantheon dataset at low redshifts (z<0.1z<0.1) which may also be explained by a reduced strength of gravity and may help resolve the H0H_0 tension.
  • gravitation: model
  • redshift: low
  • gravitation: fundamental constant
  • cosmological model: background
  • power spectrum: linear
  • density: perturbation
  • Hubble constant
  • fundamental constant: time dependence
  • statistical analysis
  • satellite: Planck