Strengthening the TCC Bound on Inflationary Cosmology
Dec 31, 20195 pages
Published in:
- JCAP 03 (2020) 047
- Published: Mar 23, 2020
- 2001.00043 [hep-th]
- 10.1088/1475-7516/2020/03/047 (publication)
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Abstract: (IOP)
We show that the constraints which follow from the Trans-Planckian Censorship Conjecture for inflationary cosmology can be strengthened if the pre-inflationary period the universe was dominated by radiation. The resulting upper bound on the energy scale of inflation is η ∼ 104 GeV, close to the scale accessible to accelerator experiments.Note:
- 5 pages, 1 figure; v2: references added and updated, v3: minor clarifications added
- scale: inflation
- cosmological model
- accelerator
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