Magnetic field-induced anisotropic interaction in heavy quark bound states

Apr 19, 2020
26 pages

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We have investigated how a strong magnetic field (B) could decipher the anisotropic interaction in heavy quark (QQ) and antiquark (Qˉ\bar Q) bound states through the perturbative thermal QCD in real-time formalism. So we thermalize Schwinger propagator for quarks in LLL and the Feynman propagator for gluons to calculate the gluon self-energy. For the quark-loop contribution to the self-energy, the medium does not have any temperature correction and the vacuum term gives rise an anisotropic term whereas the gluon-loop yields temperature correction. This finding in quark-loop contribution corroborates the equivalence of a massless QED in (1+1)-dimension with the massless thermal QCD in strong B, which (quark sector) is reduced to (1+1)-dimension (longitudinal). Thus the permittivity of the medium behaves like as a tensor. Thus the permittivity of medium makes the QQˉQ \bar Q potential anisotropic, which resembles with a contemporary results found in lattice studies. As a result, potential for QQˉQ \bar Q-pairs aligned transverse to B is more attractive than parallel alignment. However, potential is always more attractive compared to B=0 due to softening of screening mass. However, the imaginary-part of potential becomes smaller compared to B=0. We have next investigated the effects of strong B{\bf B} on binding energies (B.E.) and thermal widths (Γ\Gamma) of ground states of ccˉc \bar c and bbˉb \bar b in a time-independent perturbation theory, where binding energies gets increased and widths gets decreased, compared to B=0B =0. Finally we have studied the quasi-free dissociation of bound states in a strong B. The dissociation temperatures estimated for J/ψJ/\psi and Υ\Upsilon states are obtained as 1.59Tc1.59 \rm{T_c} and 2.22Tc2.22 \rm{T_c}, respectively, which are higher than the estimate in B=0 , thus preventing early dissolution of QQˉQ \bar Q bound states.
  • 26 pages with 4 figures
  • magnetic field: high
  • temperature: correction
  • potential: anisotropy
  • bound state: dissociation
  • heavy quark: bound state
  • gluon: propagator
  • dissociation: temperature
  • propagator: Feynman
  • width: thermal
  • quantum electrodynamics: massless
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