Barrow holographic dark energy

May 8, 2020
5 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 102 (2020) 12, 123525
  • Published: Dec 16, 2020

Citations per year

Abstract: (APS)
We formulate Barrow holographic dark energy, by applying the usual holographic principle at a cosmological framework, but using the Barrow entropy instead of the standard Bekenstein-Hawking one. The former is an extended black-hole entropy that arises due to quantum-gravitational effects which deform the black-hole surface by giving it an intricate, fractal form. We extract a simple differential equation for the evolution of the dark-energy density parameter, which possesses standard holographic dark energy as a limiting subcase, and we show that the scenario can describe the thermal history of the universe, with the sequence of matter and dark-energy eras. Additionally, the new Barrow exponent
  • 5 pages, 2 figures, version published in Phys.Rev.D
  • Cosmology
  • dark energy: holography
  • black hole: entropy
  • dark energy: equation of state
  • dark energy: density
  • black hole: surface
  • differential equations
  • cosmological model
  • quintessence
  • phantom