New locally (super)conformal gauge models in Bach-flat backgrounds

May 29, 2020
57 pages
Published in:
  • JHEP 08 (2020) 068
  • Published: Aug 17, 2020

Citations per year

Abstract: (Springer)
For every conformal gauge field hα(n)α(m) {h}_{\alpha (n)\overset{\cdot }{\alpha }(m)} in four dimensions, with n ≥ m > 0, a gauge-invariant action is known to exist in arbitrary conformally flat backgrounds. If the Weyl tensor is non-vanishing, however, gauge invariance holds for a pure conformal field in the following cases: (i) n = m = 1 (Maxwell’s field) on arbitrary gravitational backgrounds; and (ii) n = m + 1 = 2 (conformal gravitino) and n = m = 2 (conformal graviton) on Bach-flat backgrounds. It is believed that in other cases certain lower-spin fields must be introduced to ensure gauge invariance in Bach-flat backgrounds, although no closed-form model has yet been constructed (except for conformal maximal depth fields with spin s = 5/2 and s = 3). In this paper we derive such a gauge-invariant model describing the dynamics of a conformal gauge field hα(3)α {h}_{\alpha (3)\overset{\cdot }{\alpha }} coupled to a self-dual two-form. Similar to other conformal higher-spin theories, it can be embedded in an off-shell superconformal gauge-invariant action. To this end, we introduce a new family of N \mathcal{N} = 1 superconformal gauge multiplets described by unconstrained prepotentials ϒα(n)_{α(n)}, with n > 0, and propose the corresponding gauge-invariant actions on conformally-flat backgrounds. We demonstrate that the n = 2 model, which contains hα(3)α {h}_{\alpha (3)\overset{\cdot }{\alpha }} at the component level, can be lifted to a Bach-flat background provided ϒα(2)_{α(2)} is coupled to a chiral spinor Ωα_{α}. We also propose families of (super)conformal higher-derivative non-gauge actions and new superconformal operators in any curved space. Finally, through considerations based on supersymmetry, we argue that the conformal spin-3 field should always be accompanied by a conformal spin-2 field in order to ensure gauge invariance in a Bach-flat background.
  • 57 pages; v3: comments, references and an appendix added, published version
  • Conformal and W Symmetry
  • Supergravity Models
  • Superspaces
  • invariance: gauge
  • gravitation: background
  • tensor: Weyl
  • derivative: high
  • field theory: conformal
  • supersymmetry: 1
  • prepotential