H0 tension or T0 tension?

May 21, 2020
19 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 102 (2020) 6, 063515
  • Published: Sep 15, 2020
Report number:
  • INR-TH-2020-025,
  • TTK-20-11

Citations per year

Abstract: (APS)
We study if the discrepancy between the local and cosmological measurements of the Hubble constant H0 can be affected by the choice of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) monopole temperature T0. The latter is customarily fixed to the Far-Infrared Absolute Spectrophotometer (FIRAS) best-fit value in CMB data analyses. Although this value was confirmed by several independent experiments, it is interesting to see how much parameter constraints depend on this prior. We first provide a detailed pedagogical description of the T0 effects on cosmological observables. We show that the recombination history and transfer functions do not depend on T0, provided they are parametrized by the energy scale rather than redshift and at fixed dark matter and baryon densities per CMB photon. Thus, T0 is only a property of the observer, quantifying the amount of expansion between key cosmological events and today. As a consequence, the sole effect of T0 on small-scale primary CMB anisotropies is through the angular diameter distance to the epoch of last scattering, resulting in a near-perfect degeneracy between T0 and H0. This geometric degeneracy is partially lifted by the late-time integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect and CMB lensing. Still, Planck data alone are consistent with a broad region in the H0-T0 plane, implying that removing the FIRAS prior on T0 can make Planck and SH0ES less discrepant, without introducing new physics beyond ΛCDM. One may break the degeneracy by combining Planck with SH0ES, yielding an independent measurement of T0, but the latter happens to be in 3σ tension with FIRAS. The agreement with FIRAS is restored anyway when combining Planck with the baryon acoustic oscillation data instead of SH0ES. Thus, the tension between SH0ES and cosmological measurements of H0 persists even if we discard the FIRAS T0 prior.
  • v2: 22 pages, 8 figures, corrected a mistake due to calibration of temperature maps, qualitative results and conclusions unchanged
  • Cosmology