Strong decays of the Ξ(1620)\Xi(1620) as a ΛKˉ\Lambda\bar{K} and ΣKˉ\Sigma\bar{K} molecule

Jun 11, 2020
9 pages
Published in:
  • Eur.Phys.J.C 80 (2020) 9, 837
  • Published: Sep 9, 2020

Citations per year

Abstract: (Springer)
In this work, we study the strong decays of the newly observed Ξ(1620)0\varXi (1620)^0 assuming that it is a meson-baryon molecular state of ΛKˉ\varLambda {\bar{K}} and ΣKˉ\varSigma {\bar{K}}. We consider four possible spin-parity assignments JP=1/2±J^P=1/2^{\pm } and 3/2±3/2^{\pm } for the Ξ(1620)0\varXi (1620)^0, and evaluate its partial decay width into Ξπ\varXi \pi and Ξππ\varXi \pi \pi via hadronic loops with the help of effective Lagrangians. In comparison with the Belle data, the calculated decay width favors the spin-party assignment 1/21/2^- while the other spin-parity assignments do not yield a decay width consistent with data in the molecule picture. We find that about 52–68% of the total width comes from the KˉΛ{\bar{K}}\varLambda channel, while the rest is provided by the KˉΣ{\bar{K}}\varSigma channel. As a result, both channels are important in explaining the strong decay of the Ξ(1620)0\varXi (1620)^0. In addition, the transition Ξ(1620)0πΞ\varXi (1620)^0\rightarrow \pi \varXi is the main decay channel in the JP=1/2J^{P}=1/2^{-} case, which almost saturates the total width. These information are helpful to further understand the nature of the Ξ(1620)0\varXi (1620)^0.
  • Sigma(1620)
  • hyperon: decay
  • effective Lagrangian
  • meson baryon
  • spin: parity
  • numerical calculations