Tensor non-Gaussianity in chiral scalar-tensor theories of gravity

Aug 4, 2020
37 pages
Published in:
  • JCAP 03 (2021) 073
  • Published: Mar 22, 2021

Citations per year

Abstract: (IOP)
Violation of parity symmetry in the gravitational sector, which manifests into unequal left and right circular polarization states of primordial gravitational waves, represents a way to test high-energy modifications to general relativity. In this paper we study inflation within recently proposed chiral scalar-tensor theories of gravity, that extend Chern-Simons gravity by including parity-violating operators containing first and second derivatives of the non-minimally coupled scalar (inflaton) field. Given the degeneracy between different parity-violating theories at the level of the power spectrum statistics, we make a detailed analysis of the parity violation on primordial tensor non-Gaussianity. We show, with an explicit computation, that no new contributions arise in the graviton bispectra if the couplings in the new operators are constant in a pure de Sitter phase. On the other hand, if the coupling functions are time-dependent during inflation, the tensor bispectra acquire non-vanishing contributions from the parity-breaking operators even in the exact de Sitter limit, with maximal signal in the squeezed and equilateral configurations. We also comment on the consistency relation of the three-point function of tensor modes in this class of models and discuss prospects of detecting parity-breaking signatures through Cosmic Microwave Background B-mode bispectra.
  • 35 pages, 2 figures. v2: references added and typos corrected. Replaced to match the published version in JCAP
  • parity: violation
  • coupling: scalar
  • gravitational radiation: primordial
  • parity: symmetry
  • n-point function: 3
  • gravitation: model
  • bispectrum
  • non-Gaussianity
  • scalar tensor
  • de Sitter