Superconformal geometries and local twistors

Dec 6, 2020
33 pages
Published in:
  • JHEP 04 (2021) 140
  • Published: Apr 15, 2021
Report number:
  • Uppsala University Theoretical Physics: UUITP-49/20

Citations per year

Abstract: (Springer)
Superconformal geometries in spacetime dimensions D = 3, 4, 5 and 6 are discussed in terms of local supertwistor bundles over standard superspace. These natually admit superconformal connections as matrix-valued one-forms. In order to make contact with the standard superspace formalism it is shown that one can always choose gauges in which the scale parts of the connection and curvature vanish, in which case the conformal and S-supersymmetry transformations become subsumed into super-Weyl transformations. The number of component fields can be reduced to those of the minimal off-shell conformal supergravity multiplets by imposing constraints which in most cases simply consists of taking the even covariant torsion two-form to vanish. This must be supplemented by further dimension-one constraints for the maximal cases in D = 3, 4. The subject is also discussed from a minimal point of view in which only the dimension-zero torsion is introduced. Finally, we introduce a new class of supermanifolds, local super Grassmannians, which provide an alternative setting for superconformal theories.
  • 33 pages, Dedicated to this year's Nobel Laureate in Physics, Sir Roger Penrose, in appreciation of his many achievements, including the invention of twistor theory. References and minor comments added.arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2008.10302
  • Differential and Algebraic Geometry
  • Supergravity Models
  • Superspaces
  • geometry: conformal
  • supergravity: conformal
  • space-time: dimension
  • superspace
  • covariance
  • curvature
  • off-shell