On SS-Matrix Exclusion of de Sitter and Naturalness

May 18, 2021
3 pages

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
The cosmological constant puzzle, traditionally viewed as a naturalness problem, is evidently nullified by the SS-matrix formulation of quantum gravity/string theory. We point out an implication of this fact for another naturalness puzzle, the Hierarchy Problem between the weak and Planck scales. By eliminating the landscape of de Sitter vacua and eternal inflation, the SS-matrix formulation exhibits an obvious tension with the explanations based on anthropic selection or cosmological relaxation of the Higgs mass. This sharpens the Hierarchy Problem in a profound way. On one hand, it strengthens the case for explanations based on new physics not far from the weak scale. At the same time, it opens up a question, whether instead the hierarchy is imposed by the SS-matrix consistency between the Standard Model and gravity.
  • 3 pages
  • Higgs particle: mass
  • vacuum state: de Sitter
  • coupling constant: hierarchy
  • quantum gravity
  • cosmological constant
  • anthropic principle
  • inflation
  • S-matrix
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