c→uνν¯ transitions of Bc mesons: 331 model facing Standard Model null tests

Jul 15, 2021
23 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 104 (2021) 11, 115024
  • Published: Dec 1, 2021
Report number:
  • BARI-TH/21-728

Citations per year

Abstract: (APS)
The Glashow-Iliopoulos-Maiani mechanism is extremely efficient to suppress the flavor-changing neutral current decays of charmed hadrons induced by the cu transitions, making such processes particularly sensitive to phenomena beyond the Standard Model. In particular, cu decays with a neutrino pair in the final state are theoretically appealing due to the small long-distance contributions. Moreover, in the framework of the Standard Model effective field theory (SMEFT), the SU(2)L invariance allows us to relate the Wilson coefficients in the effective Hamiltonian governing the cuνν¯ decays to the coefficients in the cu+- Hamiltonian. We analyze the BcB(*)+νν¯ decays, for which branching fractions of at most O(10-16) are predicted in the Standard Model including short- and long-distance contributions, so small that they can be considered as null tests. Using SMEFT and the relation to the cu+- processes, we study the largest enhancement achievable in generic new physics scenarios, then we focus on a particular extension of the Standard Model, the 331 model. SMEFT relations and the connection with cu+- imply that B(BcB(*)+νν¯) could even reach O(10-6), an extremely large enhancement. A less pronounced effect is found in the 331 model, with O(10-11) predicted branching fractions. Within the 331 model, correlations exist among the BcB(*)+νν¯ and Kπνν¯, B(Xs,K,K*)νν¯ channels.
  • 23 pages, 12 figures. Clarifications added. To appear in Physical Review D
  • B/c: semileptonic decay
  • B/c: branching ratio
  • symmetry: SU(3) x SU(3) x U(1)
  • neutral current: flavor changing
  • effective field theory
  • effective Hamiltonian
  • operator: Wilson
  • operator: dimension: 6
  • CKM matrix
  • numerical calculations