Light-cone distribution amplitudes of light mesons with QED effects
Aug 12, 2021
31 pages
Published in:
- JHEP 11 (2021) 059
- Published: Nov 9, 2021
- 2108.05589 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- TUM-HEP-1359/21,
- Nikhef-2021-018
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Abstract: (Springer)
We discuss the generalization of the leading-twist light-cone distribution amplitude for light mesons including QED effects. This generalization was introduced to describe virtual collinear photon exchanges at the strong-interaction scale Λ in the factorization of QED effects in non-leptonic B-meson decays. In this paper we study the renormalization group evolution of this non-perturbative function. For charged mesons, in particular, this exhibits qualitative differences with respect to the well-known scale evolution in QCD only, especially regarding the endpoint-behaviour. We analytically solve the evolution equation to first order in the electromagnetic coupling α, which resums large logarithms in QCD on top of a fixed-order expansion in α. We further provide numerical estimates for QED corrections to Gegenbauer coefficients as well as inverse moments relevant to (QED-generalized) factorization theorems for hard exclusive processes.Note:
- 30 pages, 3 figures
- QCD Phenomenology
- NLO Computations
- B: decay
- quantum electrodynamics: effect
- distribution amplitude: light cone
- coupling: electromagnetic
- photon: exchange
- quantum electrodynamics: correction
- quantum chromodynamics
- meson: distribution amplitude
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