Mue -- A Search for Familons in Muon Decay Using HPGe Detectors
Oct 5, 2021
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
A broken lepton family symmetry can lead to muon decay to a Familon
We propose to search for two body muon decay to a Familon in the mass range from 86 to 105 MeV/c, by observing stopped positive muons. This mass region is the search window blind spot of magnetic spectrometers. The search signal will be a mono-energetic positron peak on top of the standard model muon Michel decay spectrum. The decay positron spectrum will be measured in HPGe detectors surrounded by large volume NaI detectors and a charged particle tracking system used to help reduce false triggers. This short-term experiment requires a stopped positive muon rate of 200 cps with a trigger to stopped muon ratio of 10:1 or better. At this rate, in a period of 2-hours previous limits will be matched. With 1-year of data collection muon branching ratio limits will range between 10 to 10. This experiment takes advantage of Fermilab's higher energy muons to greatly suppress backgrounds for Familon masses near the muon mass compared to lower energy muon factories.Note:
- 4 pages, 5 figures. Presented at Potential Fermilab Muon Campus and Storage Ring Experiments Workshop, May 24-27, 2021
- muon: rare decay
- muon: energy
- energy: high
- muon: particle source
- positron: spectrum
- muon: branching ratio
- muon: mass
- lepton: family
- symmetry: family
- detector: sodium-iodide
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