Muχ\chie -- A Search for Familons in Muon Decay Using HPGe Detectors

Oct 5, 2021
4 pages

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
A broken lepton family symmetry can lead to muon decay to a Familon μχFamilon+e.\mu \to {\chi _{Familon}} + e . We propose to search for two body muon decay to a Familon in the mass range from 86 to 105 MeV/c2^2, by observing stopped positive muons. This mass region is the search window blind spot of magnetic spectrometers. The search signal will be a mono-energetic positron peak on top of the standard model muon Michel decay spectrum. The decay positron spectrum will be measured in HPGe detectors surrounded by large volume NaI detectors and a charged particle tracking system used to help reduce false triggers. This short-term experiment requires a stopped positive muon rate of 200 cps with a trigger to stopped muon ratio of 10:1 or better. At this rate, in a period of 2-hours previous limits will be matched. With 1-year of data collection muon branching ratio limits will range between 106^{-6} to 107^{-7}. This experiment takes advantage of Fermilab's higher energy muons to greatly suppress backgrounds for Familon masses near the muon mass compared to lower energy muon factories.
  • 4 pages, 5 figures. Presented at Potential Fermilab Muon Campus and Storage Ring Experiments Workshop, May 24-27, 2021
  • muon: rare decay
  • muon: energy
  • energy: high
  • muon: particle source
  • positron: spectrum
  • muon: branching ratio
  • muon: mass
  • lepton: family
  • symmetry: family
  • detector: sodium-iodide