Do some virtual bound states carry torsion trace?

Feb 18, 2022
11 pages
Published in:
  • Int.J.Geom.Meth.Mod.Phys. 19 (2022) 05, 2250076
  • Published: Mar 22, 2022

Citations per year

Abstract: (WSP)
This paper presents theoretical arguments that certain virtual bound states carry the trace component of affine torsion. The motivation for this work is that Einstein–Cartan theory, which extends general relativity by including torsion to model intrinsic angular momentum, is becoming more credible. We are not aware of any situation for which there is evidence or substantial argument for the presence of torsion trace, except in the continuum theory of edge dislocations in crystals. The main evidence for the hypothesis consists of analogies between the structure of virtual bound states and (a) geometry of dislocations in crystal lattices, which are modeled with torsion; and (b) modeling of intrinsic angular momentum by torsion in Einstein–Cartan theory and the theory of micro-elasticity. The work focuses on conjectured presence of torsion in para-positronium, which intermediates annihilation of an electron and a positron with opposite z-spins. If the virtual bound state carries torsion, then the local law of conservation of angular momentum can hold over the spacelike separation during annihilation.
  • 11 pages, 4 figures, 1 table
  • Torsion
  • virtual bound state
  • positronium
  • spin
  • angular momentum
  • dislocations
  • Einstein–Cartan theory