Quantum Riemannian geometry of the discrete interval and q-deformation
Apr 26, 202235 pages
Published in:
- J.Math.Phys. 64 (2023) 5, 051701
- Published: May 1, 2023
- 2204.12212 [math.QA]
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Abstract: (AIP)
We solve for quantum Riemannian geometries on the finite lattice interval • – • –⋯– • with n nodes (the Dynkin graph of type An) and find that they are necessarily q-deformed with q=eıπn+1q=eıπn+1. This comes out of the intrinsic geometry and not by assuming any quantum group in the picture. Specifically, we discover a novel “boundary effect” whereby, in order to admit a quantum Levi-Cività connection, the “metric weight” at any edge is forced to be greater pointing toward the bulk compared to toward the boundary, with the ratio given by (i + 1)q/(i)q at node i, where (i)q is a q-integer. The Christoffel symbols are also q-deformed. The limit q → 1 likewise forces the quantum Riemannian geometry of the natural numbers N to have rational metric multiples (i + 1)/i in the direction of increasing i. In both cases, there is a unique Ricci-scalar flat metric up to normalization. Elements of quantum field theory and quantum gravity are exhibited for n = 3 and for the continuum limit of the geometry of N. The Laplacian for the scalar-flat metric becomes the Airy equation operator 1xd2dx2 in so far as a limit exists. Scaling this metric by a conformal factor eψ(i) gives a limiting Ricci scalar curvature proportional to e−ψxd2ψdx2.Note:
- 35 pages AMS latex, 8 figures. Some corrections to the formulae in Sections 5,6 for the Laplacian and Ricci
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