Metric Gravity in the Hamiltonian Form—Canonical Transformations—Dirac’s Modifications of the Hamilton Method and Integral Invariants of the Metric Gravity
Aug 29, 2022Citations per year
Abstract: (MDPI)
Two different Hamiltonian formulations of the metric gravity are discussed and applied to describe a free gravitational field in the d dimensional Riemann space-time. Theory of canonical transformations, which relates equivalent Hamiltonian formulations of the metric gravity, is investigated in detail. In particular, we have formulated the conditions of canonicity for transformation between the two sets of dynamical variables used in our Hamiltonian formulations of the metric gravity. Such conditions include the ordinary condition of canonicity known in classical Hamilton mechanics, i.e., the exact coincidence of the Poisson (or Laplace) brackets which are determined for both the new and old dynamical Hamiltonian variables. However, in addition to this, any true canonical transformations defined in the metric gravity, which is a constrained dynamical system, must also guarantee the exact conservation of the total Hamiltonians (in both formulations) and preservation of the algebra of first-class constraints. We show that Dirac’s modifications of the classical Hamilton method contain a number of crucial advantages, which provide an obvious superiority of this method in order to develop various non-contradictory Hamiltonian theories of many physical fields, when a number of gauge conditions are also important. Theory of integral invariants and its applications to the Hamiltonian metric gravity are also discussed. For Hamiltonian dynamical systems with first-class constraints this theory leads to a number of peculiarities some of which have been investigated.Note:
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- gravity
- Hamiltonian
- momenta
- constraints
- Poisson brackets
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