Current Algebra Levels in the E8E_8 Theory

Dec 6, 2022
30 pages
Report number:
  • UTWI-18-2022

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
The class-S theories of type E8E_8 were analyzed in \cite{Chacaltana:2018vhp}. The basic building blocks consisted of 49,836 isolated SCFTs (three-punctured spheres). In 244 cases, there were undetermined levels for the flavour symmetry current algebra. Here, we rectify that omission. Using S-duality and nilpotent Higgsing we compute the levels of 235 of the 244. There remain 9 three-punctured spheres with unknown levels. Along the way, we provide a detailed discussion of the Drinfeld-Sokolov reduction of the VOA, which captures various features of the Higgs branch RG flows arising from giving a VEV to a nilpotent moment map.
  • arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2203.05040
  • renormalization group: flow
  • symmetry: flavor
  • current algebra
  • sphere
  • capture
  • S-duality
  • moment