The Riemannian curvature identities for the torsion connection on Spin(7)Spin(7)-manifold and generalized Ricci solitons

Jul 11, 2023
21 pages

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
Curvature properties of the characteristic connection on an integrable G2G_2 space are investigated. It is proved that an integrable G2G_2 manifold has closed torsion if and only if the Ricci tensor of the characteristic connection is equal to the covariant derivative of the Lee form and in this case the integrable G2G_2 structure is of constant type. It is shown, that a compact integrable G2G_2 manifold with closed torsion is Ricci flat if and only if either the norm of the torsion is constant or the Riemannian scalar curvature is constant. It is observed that any compact integrable G2G_2 manifold with closed torsion 3-form is a generalized gradient Ricci soliton and this is equivalent to a certain vector field to be parallel with respect to the torsion connection. In particular, this vector field is an infinitesimal authomorphism of the G2G_2 strucure. Compact examples with bi-G2G_2 structures or generalized integrable G2G_2 manifolds are given. It is shown that on an integrable G2G_2 space of constant type the curvature of the characteristic connection RS2Λ2R\in S^2\Lambda^2 with vanishing Ricci tensor if and only if the three-form torsion is parallel with respect to the Levi-Civita and to the characteristic connection simultaneously. In particular, the conditions RS2Λ2,Ric=0R\in S^2\Lambda^2, Ric=0 are equivalent to the condition that the curvature of the characteristic connection satisfies the Riemannian first Bianchi identity. In this case the torsion 3-form is harmonic.
  • 21 pages, new theorem 1.1, new section 7 and references added, exposition improved, no figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2307.05619, arXiv:2307.05001