Quantum Imprint of the Anharmonic Oscillator
Aug 2, 2023
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We study the anharmonic double well in quantum mechanics using exact Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) methods in a 't Hooft-like double scaling limit where classical behavior is expected to dominate. We compute the tunneling action in this double scaling limit, and compare it to the transition amplitude from the vacuum to a highly excited state. Our results, exact in the semiclassical limit, show that the two expressions coincide, apart from an irreducible and surprising instanton contribution. Thus, the semiclassical limit of the anharmonic oscillator betrays its quantum origin as a rule, which we dub the "quantum imprint rule," showing that the quantum theory is intrinsically gapped from classical behavior. Besides an example of the failure of reductionism and an example of a resurgent connection between perturbative and nonperturbative physics, this work provides a possible classification of theories according to their quantum imprints.Note:
- 23 pages
- scaling
- oscillator
- semiclassical
- WKB approximation
- excited state
- quantum mechanics
- nonperturbative
- tunneling
- instanton
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