Classical and quantum reservoir computing: development and applications in machine learning

Oct 11, 2023
295 pages

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0 Citations
Abstract: (arXiv)
Reservoir computing is a novel machine learning algorithm that uses a nonlinear dynamical system to efficiently learn complex temporal patterns from data. The objective of this thesis is to investigate the principles of reservoir computing and develop state-of-the-art variants capable of addressing diverse applications in machine learning. The research demonstrates the algorithm's robustness and adaptability across very different domains, including agricultural time series forecasting and the time propagation of quantum systems. The first contribution of this thesis consists in developing a reservoir computing-based methodology to predict future agricultural product prices, which is crucial for ensuring the sustainability of the food market. The next contribution of the thesis is devoted to solving the Schrödinger equation for complex quantum systems. A novel reservoir computing framework is proposed to efficiently propagate quantum wavefunctions in time, enabling the computation of all eigenstates of a quantum system within a specific energy range. This approach is used to study prominent systems in the field of quantum chemistry and quantum chaos. The last contribution of this thesis focuses on optimizing algorithm designs for quantum reservoir computing. The results demonstrate that families of quantum circuits with higher complexity, according to the majorization criterion, yield superior performance in quantum machine learning. Moreover, the impact of quantum noise on the algorithm performance is evaluated, revealing that the amplitude damping noise can actually be beneficial for the performance of quantum reservoir computing, while the depolarizing and phase damping noise should be prioritized for correction. Furthermore, the optimal design of quantum reservoirs is employed to construct a hybrid quantum-classical neural network that tackles a fundamental problem in drug design.
  • Doctoral thesis