Solutions of the Schrödinger equation with Quarkonium potential to predict the mass-spectra of the heavy mesons via series expansion method
Oct 11, 2023Citations per year
0 Citations
Abstract: (arXiv)
In this study, a quarkonium potential is adopted as the quark-antiquark interaction potential for predicting the mass spectra of heavy mesons. We solved the radial Schrödinger equation analytically using the series expansion method and obtained the energy eigenvalues. The present results are applied for predicting the mass spectra of heavy mesons such as charmonium and bottomonium. The present potential provides satisfying results in comparison with experimental data and the work of other researchers with a maximum error of 0.058 GeVNote:
- 6 pages, 2 tables
- meson: heavy
- quark antiquark: interaction
- Schroedinger equation: solution
- mass spectrum
- quarkonium
- GeV
- bottomonium
- charmonium