Computer modelling of accretion processes in binary systems with black holes and neutron stars
Oct 19, 2023e-Print:
- 2310.13152 [astro-ph.HE]
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Abstract: (arXiv)
This dissertation is written as an annotated collection of selected articles. The dissertation focuses on the modelling of accretion disks in X-ray binaries with a black hole or neutron star. The main objective is to use advanced numerical methods to reveal the fundamental processes that influence the observed spectral and temporal features. Among the significant results of this modelling is the recognition of the puffy accretion disk, a novel type of accretion disk based purely on the results of numerical simulations. Furthermore, the work focuses on modelling the X-ray variability and quasi-periodic oscillations using analytical models of accretion disks, but an advanced description of the oscillations, and a discussion of the implications of this modelling for observational data.Note:
- PhD thesis defended on September 21st 2023, at the Institute of Physics of the Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic, including minor corrections according to the referees' reports