Quantum speedups for linear programming via interior point methods

Nov 6, 2023
42 pages

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We describe a quantum algorithm based on an interior point method for solving a linear program with nn inequality constraints on dd variables. The algorithm explicitly returns a feasible solution that is ε\varepsilon-close to optimal, and runs in time npoly(d,log(n),log(1/ε))\sqrt{n} \cdot \mathrm{poly}(d,\log(n),\log(1/\varepsilon)) which is sublinear for tall linear programs (i.e., ndn \gg d). Our algorithm speeds up the Newton step in the state-of-the-art interior point method of Lee and Sidford [FOCS~'14]. This requires us to efficiently approximate the Hessian and gradient of the barrier function, and these are our main contributions. To approximate the Hessian, we describe a quantum algorithm for the \emph{spectral approximation} of ATAA^T A for a tall matrix ARn×dA \in \mathbb R^{n \times d}. The algorithm uses leverage score sampling in combination with Grover search, and returns a δ\delta-approximation by making O(nd/δ)O(\sqrt{nd}/\delta) row queries to AA. This generalizes an earlier quantum speedup for graph sparsification by Apers and de Wolf~[FOCS~'20]. To approximate the gradient, we use a recent quantum algorithm for multivariate mean estimation by Cornelissen, Hamoudi and Jerbi [STOC '22]. While a naive implementation introduces a dependence on the condition number of the Hessian, we avoid this by pre-conditioning our random variable using our quantum algorithm for spectral approximation.
  • quantum algorithm
  • spectral
  • performance