Dark branes for dark matter
Mar 10, 2024
36 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 110 (2024) 5, 055015
- Published: Sep 1, 2024
- 2403.06276 [hep-ph]
- 10.1103/PhysRevD.110.055015 (publication)
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Abstract: (APS)
We propose a setup for the origin of dark matter based on spacetime with a warped extra dimension and three branes: the Planck brane, the TeV brane, at a (few) TeV scale , and a dark brane, at a (sub-)GeV scale . The Standard Model (SM) is localized in the TeV brane, thus solving the Higgs hierarchy problem, while the dark matter , a Dirac fermion with mass , is localized in the dark brane. The radion, with mass , interacts strongly [] with dark matter and very weakly () with the Standard Model matter . The generic conflict between the bounds on its detection signatures and its proper relic abundance is avoided as dark matter annihilation is -wave suppressed. The former is determined by its very weak interactions with the SM and the latter by its much stronger annihilation into radions. Therefore, there is a vast range in the dark matter’s parameter space where the correct relic abundance is achieved consistently with the existing bounds. Moreover, for the dark brane with , a confinement/deconfinement first order phase transition, where the radion condensates, produces a stochastic gravitational wave background at the nanohertz frequencies, which can be identified with the signal detected by the Pulsar Timing Array (PTA) experiments. In the PTA window, for the relic abundance is reproduced and all constraints are satisfied.Note:
- 36 pages, 9 figures; v2 typos corrected, added references, small modification in notation, figures 2 and 5 improved, added discussion in Secs. 2 and 3, extended acknowledgments; v3 added references, Sec. 6.1 improved, Sec. 7 extended, added figures 5, 6, 7 and 8. It matches the version published in Physical Review D
- dark matter: annihilation
- fermion: Dirac
- gravitational radiation: background
- gravitational radiation: stochastic
- space-time: warped
- scale: TeV
- membrane model
- numerical calculations
- dark matter: relic density
- radion
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